
The following questionnaire is designed to give us all the information we need to commence your project. We ask that you please answer as fully as possible, as this will serve as the basis for defining the project going forward.
Describe your business or organization: is a website showcasing the work and life of a poet while providing resources for writers and researchers.
Specifically describe the concept, product or service this site is intended to provide or promote:
This site is designed to provide information about myself and my work. However, I’d like to sell books and CDs on the site. I also want to put links to my Youtube readings on the site. I also want to sell e-books on my site.
List ten words that you feel best evoke the spirit, philosophy, or brand or the business or organization, product or service:
Provocative, sexy, thoughtful, informative, insightful, spiritual, historical, discovery, identity, cultural.
Using adjectives and short phrases, describe the site’s desired look and feel:
Sleek and sophisticated, easy to look at, state of the art literary website, lists all writer links, innovative, and easy to use or navigate.
Describe your business or organization: is a website showcasing the work and life of a poet while providing resources for writers and researchers.
Specifically describe the concept, product or service this site is intended to provide or promote:
This site is designed to provide information about myself and my work. However, I’d like to sell books and CDs on the site. I also want to put links to my Youtube readings on the site. I also want to sell e-books on my site.
List ten words that you feel best evoke the spirit, philosophy, or brand or the business or organization, product or service:
Provocative, sexy, thoughtful, informative, insightful, spiritual, historical, discovery, identity, cultural.
Using adjectives and short phrases, describe the site’s desired look and feel:
Sleek and sophisticated, easy to look at, state of the art literary website, lists all writer links, innovative, and easy to use or navigate.
If this is a new site, please describe why you feel you need a Web site and what the primary goal of the site is:
The website is how people access your information, book you for events and appearance. It’s a portable business. I need a virtual presence.
If this is a redesign of an existing site, describe why you would like to redesign the site:
It’s a beautiful site as is, but it needs refining, it needs some kinds worked out and to provide my info, bio, access to poems on the first page, as well as links to Facebook, Twitter, my blog. Also, I want to be able to write my blogs on the site and there are immediately posted on both my blog page and the website.
What is the primary business problem you are try to solve with a redesign?
I need everything to be more easily accessible. I want people to browse my site, find it informative about Black Indian culture, about art and poetry and writing. I want people to buy my books, once they are posted.