Musicians Buy Line

The following was a website redesign project.
Step 1: You will choose groups of three in class.
Step 2: Choose a site to redesign with your teammates.
Step 3: You will meet together as a group, discuss the site you’re redesigning and determine its weaknesses and strengths. I’d also like you all to read the article 10 User Interface Design Fundamentals.
Step 4: Define specific elements of the visual design and information architecture that are in need of revamping. Once you have identified key weaknesses in the design and/or structure, create a design of the homepage that demonstrates your proposed changes to the overall website. Your group should pick a more robust feature or a content page and create a new design based around the ideas from your initial homepage wireframe.
Step 1: You will choose groups of three in class.
Step 2: Choose a site to redesign with your teammates.
Step 3: You will meet together as a group, discuss the site you’re redesigning and determine its weaknesses and strengths. I’d also like you all to read the article 10 User Interface Design Fundamentals.
Step 4: Define specific elements of the visual design and information architecture that are in need of revamping. Once you have identified key weaknesses in the design and/or structure, create a design of the homepage that demonstrates your proposed changes to the overall website. Your group should pick a more robust feature or a content page and create a new design based around the ideas from your initial homepage wireframe.
Original Site: Musicians Buy Line